=== PROPER Contact Form === Contributors: properwp, joshcanhelp Donate link: http://theproperweb.com/product/proper-contact-form/ Tags: contact, contact form, contact form widget Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 4.0 Stable tag: Creates a flexible, secure contact form on your WP site == Description == A well-coded, secure, and flexible WordPress plugin that makes creating a contact form very simple. This is meant to be a simple tool for both both savvy and novice WordPress users alike. At the moment, this plugins creates a contact form with the shortcode `[proper_contact_form]` that works on any page. Users have the option to: - Choose the fields that appear - Create an auto-respond email - Redirect contact submissions to a new page (helpful for goal tracking) - Store contacts in the database - Over-ride label names and error messages Features in the works: - Additional style options - Ability to add custom fields to the form Get the absolute latest at the [Github repo](https://github.com/joshcanhelp/proper-contact-form). == Screenshots == 1. The contact form, with styles, on a page 2. First section of the settings page 3. Second section of the settings page 4: Fourth section of the settings page == Installation == Activating the Proper Contact Form plugin is just like any other plugin. If you've uploaded the plugin package to your server already, skip to step 5 below: 1. In your WordPress admin, go to **Plugins > Add New** 2. In the Search field type "proper contact form" 3. Under "PROPER Contact Form," click the **Install Now** link 4. Once the process is complete, click the **Activate Plugin** link 5. Now, you're able to add contact forms but, first, we could configure a few settings. These can be found at **Settings > Proper Contact** 6. Make the changes desired, then click the **Save changes** button at the bottom 7. To add this form to any page or post, just copy/paste or type "[proper_contact_form]" into the page or post content and save. The form should appear on that page == Changelog == = = * Fixed the math captcha bug that required page reload * Updated to latest PhpFormBuilder include (0.8.6) = = * Added a settings field for submission notification emails = = * Changed capability required for the settings page to `manage_options` from `edit_themes` = = * Upgraded PhpFormBuilder class to latest version; added check to make sure the class doesn't exist * Added an option to send notification emails from a different address * Removed id array element, using array key instead = = * Fixed no-settings error on install = = * Fixed post-submit redirect bug on sub-directory WP installs = 0.9.8 = * Added a redirect back to the same page to avoid duplicate form submissions * Fixed issue with HTML special characters in email subject line * Fixed the wp-admin icon for new 3.8 dashboard = 0.9.7 = * Fixed issue with widget not displaying text above the form = 0.9.6 = * Contact form widget * Math CAPTCHA * Added ability to block the form using the comment blacklist * Improved sanitization and escaping of data * Better and more complete internationalization * More standard styles for the settings page = = * Improved field handling * Better security for the settings page = 0.9.5 = * Added text fields for error messages and submit button * Added a setting to use HTML5 validation * Changed to use custom label fields for email notification * Changed to use the "Text to show when form is submitted..." text for the confirmation email subject * Changed the email notification format slightly * Setting better default text and information throughout * Fixed the missing error formatting for the phone number field = 0.9.3 = * Fixed name requirement issue = 0.9.2 = * Fixed default handling * Fixed custom label handling * Changed email sent to admin slightly * Added option for name = 0.9.1 = * Fixed wp_kses error * Corrected outgoing email = 0.9 = * First release e